“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” — Voltaire
We are an independent digital news publication based out of Mumbai, India.
We started Local Press Co in June 2015 with a sole purpose of delivering palatable local news to a Mumbai-based audience. What makes us different than most, is our youth-centric approach to news, an editorial policy driven by objective analysis and on-ground reporting expertise.
Unlike traditional mediums, we don’t just rely on news gathered from reporters, agencies or syndicated feeds. We also rely on people at the ground level, including citizens, for sourcing news that has local relevance.
Our clearly defined goals ensure that rather than providing readers with everything under the sun, our team continues to stay focused on curating stories that are most relevant to our audience at a given point in time. With a strong regard for objective journalism, we strictly focus on fact-based reports that impact our reader’s day to day lives.
We have a lot of interesting new formats and announcements in store for you in the near future. So, stick around for a bit!