Over 90% of roadside eateries contaminated with E. coli bacteria

Gola wala at Aksa beach. Courtesy: bombaylives
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. A recently conducted survey by the civic body found that 870 of the 948 ice samples collected from bars, restaurants, food stalls, etc across the city were contaminated with E. coli bacteria.
2. The drive was conducted as a precautionary measure before monsoon arrives in the city.
3. While speaking to Times of India, Dr Minnie Khetrapal, BMC’s head of epidemiology said, “The findings have surprised us. The ice samples were collected from sugarcane juice centres , vendors selling pani puri, golas and a few were from restaurants and bars. The samples were tested thrice to confirm the high levels of contamination.”
4. In addition to collecting ice samples, water samples were also collected from across the city. While 26 percent of the water samples collected from hawkers were found contaminated, only 1 percent of those collected from households contained the bacteria.
5. The officials will soon be taking strict actions against all roadside eateries, stalls and restaurants to ensure that Mumbaikars are safe from water-borne diseases. In the meanwhile, they have advised citizens to drink only boiled water and refrain from eating outside.