FYJC 2018: First merit list out, here’s how to check

The first general merit list was declared on Thursday (Picture Courtesy: Flipboard)
The office of the Deputy Director of Education (DyDE) declared the first general merit list for First Year Junior College (FYJC) 2018 aspirants on its admission portal a little before 11 am on Thursday, July 5.
Checking Merit List
In the first merit list, applicants were allocated colleges on the basis of their preference and ‘best of five’ scores. The list was declared six days after the centralised admission process (CAP) committee released the general/provisional merit list.
The merit list is the first of four that will be declared for FYJC admissions this year and includes students who were not allotted seats in bifocal courses.
To check the college allotted in the first round, applicants need to:
# Visit the admission portal – mumbai.11thadmission.net
# Click on the link ‘Centralized Allocation Round 1’ (rolling button under the main image).
# Enter 6 digit application form number.
# Hit ‘search’ button.
The next page will show the college allotted in the first round, along with the other details like college address, college preference number, category, marks, selected stream and merit number.
Next Step
During the start of the admission process, students had to fill out two forms. The second form required applicants to submit a list of up to 10 colleges, ranked by priority.
Those who managed to make the cut for the college listed as their ‘first choice’ in the current round will have to compulsorily confirm admission to the said college, or risk getting eliminated from the process altogether.
Others, allotted preference between 2-10, will have the option for applying in subsequent rounds.
Although maximum students will be allotted colleges in the first round, only a small percentage are expected to confirm admission.
To confirm admission under the first round, students need to visit the college and pay the fee. The deadline for paying the fee in college is 5 pm on July 9.
Additionally, the link for uploading or surrendering quota admission will be made available on the portal from July 6 to July 9.
Round 2
Students who are not satisfied with the college allotted in the first list can seek admission in the second round. To apply in the second round, students will need to fill an online admission form with a new list of preferred colleges.
The department will publish the first merit list cut-off percentage, along with a vacancy list, of colleges on the basis of which students can choose colleges for the next round.
Important Dates:
July 10 (11 am) – Declaration of vacancy and first-round cut-off list.
July 10-11 (till 5 pm) – Filling admission form for the second round.
July 13 (4 pm) – Declaration of second merit list.
Note: Students who cancel their admissions in bifocal or centralised rounds will be considered directly after the third round.
FYJC Overview
As anticipated, most top colleges witnessed a slight rise in the cut-off percentages this year. On average, the top colleges across Science, Arts, and Commerce saw their first-round cut-off percentages increase by anywhere between 1-3 percent.
Around 2.3 lakh students applied for seats in state colleges across Science, Commerce, and Arts streams this year. Like previous years, most students applied for Commerce (1.4 lakh), followed by Science (67,000) and Arts. (19,000).
The rise in cut-off percentages can be attributed to more students scoring top marks across the three boars – Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate for Secondary Examination (ICSE).
According to data provided by the department, around 20 percent more students scored over 90 percent, and close to 10 percent scored over 95 percent, this year compared to 2017.
Further, out of the 16,462 students who scored over 90 percent this year, 65 percent applied for seats in Science stream, while 30 and 5 percent have applied for Commerce and Arts streams respectively.