Pilot asks Muslim family to leave flight citing ‘safety’ issue

Shebley with her husband and kids.
U.S based United Airlines has come under fire after one of it’s pilots asked a Muslim family to leave the plane due to safety concerns.
Eaman-Amy Saad Shebley, along with her husband and three children, were flying to Washington from Chicago when the stewardess requested them to leave the United Airlines plane. When they inquired further, the plane’s pilot came to their seat and asked them leave the flight.
Shebley asked the pilot if asking them to leave was a ‘discriminatory’ decision. But, the pilot simply stated ‘it’s a flight safety issue’.
No additional details were given to the family. After leaving the plane, the airline booked them on the next flight.
The incident came to the limelight when Shebley posted about it on her Facebook page and requested people to share it with their friends. As of writing this, the post had received over 43,000 shares. Her post read:
Shame on you #unitedAirlines for profiling my family and me for no reason other than how we look and kicking us off the plane for “safety flight issues” on our flight to DC for the kids spring break. My three kids are too young to have experienced this.
SHARE so that we Americans stand together to stop discrimination. Everyone please SHARE via Facebook and Twitter…. Hashtag #unitedAirlines #discrimination
It’s definitely a trend with #Unitedairlines flights from Chicago to DC, remember #TaheraAhmad ?
Later, the Council on American-Islamic Relations also sent a letter to United Airlines demanding disciplinary action against the staff involved. United Airlines, on the other hand, has denied the claims of Islamophobia and stated it has ‘no discrimination policy’.
Shebley also shared a video of the pilot asking them to leave the plane. It can be viewed here: