How will a ‘PhD’ Dr Kanhaiya treat his patients, asks politician

JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar
We would like to start this post with a disclaimer. This is not a satirical post. Any humour you find herewith is purely unintentional.
Having said that, it’s still fairly difficult to do to this with a metaphoric straight face. But, we’ll try to do our best and present you with nothing but facts.
Fact 1: Jawaharlal Nehru University Student Union (JNUSU) president Kanhaiya Kumar is pursuing a PhD in African Studies.
Fact 2: Kanhaiya Kumar is in the city to attend and speak at the ‘Student Youth Assembly Against Discrimination’ event.
Fact 3: Several right-wing organisations have taken it upon themselves to prevent Kanhaiya from ‘spoiling the city’s atmosphere’. They’ve even managed to get the venue of the event changed more than once.
Fact 4: Among the right-wing organisations is a relatively obscure one called the ‘Veer Sena’.
Fact 5: Veer Sena leader Niranjan Pal addressed a press conference on Friday, to highlight why ‘anti-national’ Kanhaiya Kumar shouldn’t be allowed to speak in the city.
Fact 6: The justification for opposing Kumar included statements like, “Kanhaiya who threatened to break the country is trying to become a doctor by completing his PhD. I do not know how will he provide service to his patients, diagnose them and carry out operations.”
Fact 7: It didn’t end there.
Fact 8: When someone discreetly pointed out that the JNU leader was pursuing a PhD in African Studies and not an MBBS, Niranjan Pal’s response was, “So? He will become a doctor anyway and patients will approach him.”
Fact 9: No patient has ever approached Dr Vijay Mallya or Dr Manmohan Singh.
We rest our case.