Woman orders food online, is served Chilli Paneer with a condom in it

Dosa hut- one of the restaurants of Gravycart
It’s disgusting to find a hair or a fly in the food that’s served to you. And what if it is neither a hair strand, nor a fly, but a condom? Yes, a woman from Jharkhand allegedly found a condom in the food that she had ordered online.
The lady in question is an employee of Tata Steel in Jamshedpur, and had ordered a Spring Roll Dosa and Chilli Paneer through a the website of a start-up Gravycart.com. The company delivers orders that are booked through 20-23 restaurants that they have on their list .
“As soon as I opened the box of chilli paneer, what I found was disgusting, inhuman and horrendous – the packet had a condom inside,” the woman told a newspaper.
She immediately called back the delivery boy, but he refused to take back the food, saying it was half-eaten. “I had just opened the packet and there is no question of eating after I saw what it contained. He in fact blamed me for corrupting the food,” the woman alleged.
However, the restaurant’s owner refuted the woman’s allegation that the food contained condom. “If the condom had fallen in the food, it would have mixed and melted or at least lost its shape during the delivery,” he said.
Gravycart’s founder-director Nitin Sharma said that the delivery boy was dismissed and money was returned to the woman. “We don’t prepare the food or package it. But from now on we have decided to put our seal on every food packet that can’t be opened without tearing the aluminium foil,” said Sharma.
He said the delivery boy denied any wrong doing and that they are clueless as to how a condom came into the packet. “It seems like a conspiracy to malign our company,” he claimed.