‘My Body, My Life,’ screams Zarine with a bare-all post on body shaming

Heroine Zarine Khan is getting a hero’s treatment on social media for posting a picture of her heavier self – something that no other actress in the show business would dare do. The actress, in her bare-all post on photo-sharing platform Instagram, revealed how she struggled with her weight and being body shamed.
“When I look at these pictures, I feel proud of myself today. Not that I felt any lesser about myself back then. Inspire of being so big I never let people’s comments or ideas about me bother me. Because it’s my life and my body and only I have the right to decide what I’m going to do with it,” she said in a lengthy Instagram note with two photos of her much heavier self, both taken when she was in school.
In her note, she wrote that losing weight was difficult and that she had already lost the extra kilos by the time she was cast in her first film. However, she was asked to gain weight to play the role of Princess Yashodhara in (2010’s Veer, co-starring Salman Khan).
“Unfortunately I was criticised to no end for my weight but again I never let that get to me. How could I? Those people had not seen me like the way I am in these pictures here. And for me everything was just an achievement to reach from where I was to where I am,” she wrote.
Zarine now makes no attempt to hide the stretch marks that came with shedding poundage. “I believe in flaunting it,” she asserted, “it makes me feel like a tigress with stripes.” And concluding her post, she made it very clear to her detractors saying that her transformation has been for herself and not because of being body shamed.
Read her entire post here: