Sion Hospital goes hi-tech, offers free surgery to five cancer patients

The BMC-run Sion Hospital
Civic-run Sion Hospital provided free treatment to five terminally-ill cancer patients hailing from city’s slums. To treat the patients, doctors performed surgeries on them using a high-end machine called Heated Intra-Peritoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC), and removed the cancerous tissues present in their abdomen.
Sion hospital is the first civic-run hospital that has procured this machine for treating abdominal cancers. Funded by an NGO called Sunday Friend, the said machine shown better survival rates amongst cancer patients.
The hospital has now requested to the state government to include HIPEC treatment in the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevadayi Arogya Yojna scheme that caters to the people from poor financial background.
Apart from Sion Hospital, the equipment is available only at Saifee Hospital located at Charni Road.