Aerobridge damaged in mishap at Mumbai international airport

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Posted by Local Press Co Staff | Sep 13, 2016 | Mumbai
Image Courtesy : Aparna Jain
An aerobridge of the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai was damaged in a minor mishap on Tuesday.
Around 11:30 am on Tuesday, a hydraulic ladder vehicle of Indigo Airlines rammed into the aerobridge while the stair section of the assembly was in an elevated state. The collision caused the outer glass wall of the aerobridge to shatter and collapse on the ground.
Fortunately, no one was injured.
The hydraulic ladder vehicle is used by passengers to climb on to the plane, while the aerobridge extends from an airport terminal gate to an airplane.
While preliminary information indicates that the driver of the vehicle was at fault, further details are awaited.
The mishap has not affected the traffic flow at the airport.
Back in July, an Air India Boeing 777-200LR aircraft had rammed into the aerobridge at Mumbai international airport due to a possible error in the MIAL’s guidance system.