FYJC 2016: What’s next after the declaration of special round merit list

University of Mumbai
Almost 60,000 students have been allotted seats under the merit list for the special round of First Year Junior College (FYJC) online admissions, following its announcement on Thursday.
The special round was conducted, after the culmination of the first four rounds, for students who were either unhappy with their existing colleges, wished to change their stream, chose a wrong subject or cleared July re-exam. For the new round, students had to re-register on the University’s website, fill a new form and submit a fresh list of preferred colleges.
During the two day registration period, almost 70,000 students had applied for a seat under the special round. “Students are unhappy with their allotted seats and so we expected large numbers in this round,” said BB Chavan, Deputy Director of Education, Mumbai region.
Following the announcement, a total of 59,960 students were allotted seats under the special round. Off them, 27,387 were allotted seats in the college listed as their first preference, while 7,904 were allotted the second preference. 5,035 students were allotted seats in colleges listed as their third preference.
Around 7,600 students were not allocated seats in the special round. Rajendra Ahire, Assistant Deputy Director of Education, said that students who have not been allotted a seat in this round will have to apply again in the next round that will begin next week.
What’s next
For those who secured a seat under the special round
# Students can secure admission in the allotted colleges (by paying fees by August 13)
# Wait for special round two starting August 18
For those who did not get a seat under the special round
# Students can secure admission in the colleges assigned to them in the previous list
# Wait for special round two starting August 18
The second phase of the special round will start on August 18 and tentatively end by August 23. Any student who has not been assigned a seat or has not intentionally secured admission in any college till now can apply for a seat under the round.
The exact details about the application process for the special round two will be clear on or before August 18.
The exact number of seats available in the next round will only be clear once the admission process under the current round completes on August 13. If by the end of the second phase, there are still students who have not secured admission, the education department may announce a third phase. However, the decision on that will be taken post the completion of the second phase.