Maharashtra HSC 2019: Results to be out at 1 pm today, here’s everything you need to know

Apart from MSBSHSE’s official website, the results will also be made available on several partner sites at 1 pm (Main Image Courtesy: saamtv.com)
The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) is set to declare the result of the HSC or Class 12 results for the academic year 2018-2019 on its website at 1 pm today, i.e. May 28.
Before the results are made live on the official website, they will be announced at 11 am in a press conference.
Here’s everything you need to know about the results.
How to check
Step 1: Visit the state board’s official website: www.mahresult.nic.in
Step 2: Click on the ‘HSC Examination Result March 2019’
Step 3: Enter the requisite details like registration number/roll number and click enter
Step 4: The next screen will display the results
Step 5: Download a copy of the result and take a print out for future reference
Where to check
Apart from MSBSHSE’s official website, the results will also be made available on the following partner sites.
* results.maharashtraeducation.com
* www.examresults.net
* www.indiaresults.com
* mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in
The process for checking the results on the aforementioned sites will be the same as above.
Checking results via SMS
In addition to checking the website, students with Idea, Vodafone, Reliance, Tata and BSNL connections can check the HSC 2019 results by sending a message to 57766.
To get the results via SMS, students need to type MHHSC <space> (Seat Number) to 57766.
Re-evaluation of papers
Students who wish to apply for the reevaluation of one or more papers can do so within five days of receiving a copy of their results.
Applicants will need to procure a recommendation letter of their school/ college and pay Rs 400 for a photocopy of the result and another Rs 300 for the revaluation. The revaluation is expected to complete within 15 days of application.
About the results
* The results for all three streams – Arts, Science and Commerce – will be declared today.
* An estimated 14 lakh students appeared for the exams across the state’s nine divisions.
* MSBSHSE saw a cumulative pass percentage of 88.41 percent last year.