NASA releases EPIC 4K footage of earth from International Space Station

A screenshot from the video
The International Space Station (ISS), other that being the largest artificial body in orbit around the planet, also serves as a habitable microgravity and space environment laboratory. As it revolves around the earth, it also captures some really magnificent imagery thanks to its high-tech Epic Dragon camera.
The Epic Dragon camera is capable of capturing footage in 6K, as in 6,144 pixels X 3160 pixels at an unbelievable 100 frames per second.
And now NASA has released a small footage captured from the Epic Dragon which shows our blue planet in all it’s glory. What’s more, the footage is available in the 4K.
If you have a screen that supports 4K and an internet connection capable of streaming it, the video is definitely worth checking out. If you don’t, fret not. It’s available in ‘just HD’ too.
Earth through the lens of the ISS: