OurMine hacks into Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora account, tweets about hack

Picture Courtesy: The Next Web
After gaining access to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest accounts, hacker group OurMine has now managed to hack into Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora account. Quora is a question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its thriving user community.
Last month, the group had hacked Zuckerberg’s social media accounts and posted a few updates. However, experts confirmed that what the group did, was not really a hack. They had simply used an old leaked LinkedIN password database and used it to gain access to his LinkedIN account. Since Zuckerberg had used the same password for Twitter and Pinterest, OurMine was able to login to those as well.
However, in case of Pichai’s Quora account hack, the 3-member group reportedly managed to break into the account by exploiting a vulnerability in the their platform.
A vulnerability that the group claims the platform was made aware of, but did little to fix.
Unfortunately for Pichai, his Quora account was also linked to his Twitter account, thereby allowing the group to post Twitter updates publicizing the hack. Pichai has over half a million followers on Twitter.
In the past, OurMine has managed to gain access to social media accounts of Hollywood actor Channing Tatum, YouTube gamer PewDiePie, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek, ex-Twitter CEOs Ev Williams and Dick Costolo and Businesswoman Randi Zuckerberg.
However, account to a report on The Next Web, the outfit is trying to rebrand itself as a ‘security firm‘ and offering its support to people it has targeted to ensure they don’t get hacked again. While OurMine maintains that they don’t change passwords, post offensive updates or distribute personal information, it hasn’t stopped them from making over 16,000 dollars by selling their service.