Picture of 3-year-old whose thumb was amputated due to daycare centre’s negligence goes viral

The picture of Myra that Shivani Sharma shared on her social media account
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. Shivani Sharma, the mother of a 3-year-old girl whose thumb got amputated because of the daycare centre’s negligence, took to Facebook to vent her ire and report the actions of the daycare’s owner and her staff in taking care of the kids.
2. According to Sharma’s facebook post, the incident took place on April 28 after she dropped her child Myra to Cherub Angels, a daycare in Gurgaon. Half an hour later, she got a call from a teacher saying there’s an emergency because of which Myra has been admitted to the hospital.
3. Upon reaching the hospital, daycare authorities told Sharma that Myra’s thumb was crushed after another kid closed the window door while her thumb was still at the edge of the frame.
4. The distressed mother further wrote, “Can you believe the situation when my 3yrs old is in front of my eyes bleeding. The resident plastic surgeon told me that nothing can be done to broken thumb but only a surgery to close the cut. Which means for her whole life she will never have a full thumb nor any nail, instead she will have a round cut finger.”
5. Sharma’s post, which received more than eleven thousand shares on Facebook, also mentions that the daycare owner Archana Benjiwal and her husband Prashant had promised to bear all expenses of Myra’s treatment, but have now stopped answering her calls. They even shut their Facebook page to avoid getting tagged by people. In the meanwhile, Sharma has filed an FIR against the owners and is waiting for the justice to be delivered.
Shivani’s Post