YouTube gaming app launched in India

YouTube gaming
Today, YouTube launched it’s gaming app on Android and iOS in India.
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, then the first thing you need to know is that it’s not for you to play games on. Instead, it allows you to see what other gamers are playing, while they’re playing it. You can also stream your own games onto YouTube and allow others to see you in action. And as you’d expect with anything owned by Google, with over 100 million gamers on the platform, it’s already become the world’s biggest gaming community.
YouTube’s live game-streaming app allows users to easily switch between live streams and recorded sessions. It also included the ability to rewind a live stream recently. On the Android app, gamers also have the ability to record their sessions using the front camera and microphone.
Although there are similarities between the Gaming and the YouTube app, they’re mostly limited to the visual elements. The user experience is completely different on the gaming app, keeping in tune with the gamer’s requirements.
As for the available content and streams, it’s primarily from gamers from U.K, U.S where the concept was first launched. But, now that it’s available to Indian gamers, users can expect to see local content pretty soon.
YouTube Gaming website: https://gaming.youtube.com/