Rs 43 crore SoBo skywalk a haven for drunkards, canoodling couples

Alcohol bottles, leftover food and cigarette butts lay across the entire skywalk. Courtesy: Mid Day
A perfect example of how government flushes public money down the drain is the skywalk connecting Nana Chowk to Tardeo, Kemps Corner, Lamington Road, Girgaum Chowpatty and Opera House in South Mumbai.
Constructed at a cost of Rs 43 crore, the oval structure supported by 16 cables was finally thrown open to the public on July 23, 2014 after much delay. And now, within 24 months, the architectural marvel has become a haven for canoodling couple, drug addicts and drunkards.
The nooks around the two gated escalators – defunct since January this year – is the hot spot for nuisance makers including vagrants, who gather at night to have a drink. Alcohol bottles, leftover food and cigarette butts lay across the entire skywalk.
One escalator is located near Ishwardas Mansion, Gamdevi, and residents around it allege that they are unable to keep their windows open because they are worried about the sights they may be subjected to. Some residents allege they have spotted men who flash, and couples indulging in “heavy petting”.
Some of the locals claim that there was not need to construct the skywalk, and that the agencies should do ‘actual’ survey before spending the insane amount of public money.