26,666 deaths in 1 year: Heart-related diseases are city’s most lethal killer

Photo courtesy: NDTV
For the 15th year in a row, coronary heart diseases have topped the list, with almost four lakh people from the city succumbing to heart-related dysfunctions over the years. The data is based on death certificates issued by the BMC between 2001 and 2015.
A close second on this list is cancer, which has moved up a slot in the last 15 years. Cancer has claimed 3,031 lives in 2001, and was responsible for 7,272 deaths in 2015, a staggering 140% increase. As per the data, cancer deaths are recording a double-digit rise year-on-year.
The overall disease trend in Mumbai is akin to many developed nations, where heart diseases and cancer, both preventable to a great extent, are contributing to high mortality. Besides lifestyle, there is tremendous environmental stress and pollution in the city. Nanoparticles and gaseous fumes, which are emitted from vehicles or other sources, are also contributing to an increase in the risk of coronary artery disease, say experts.
For youngsters, psychosocial stress to earn and commute is adding to the stress. Smoking, of course, remains a major underlying cause for cancer and heart ailments.
Diseases of the kidney and liver too have shown a sharp increase. Deaths due to kidney failures have grown by 141% between 2001 and 2015. Among other lifestyle diseases, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis deaths have shown a marked rise, something which doctors say is majorly attributable to shift in the drinking habits of men and women in the city.