High tide turns fatal, washes away 17-year-old girl at Marine Drive

Mumbai : People enjoying a high tide at Marine Drive in Mumbai on Wednesday. PTI Photo (PTI7_16_2014_000133B)
In a tragic incident, a 17-year-old girl was washed away in sea at Marine Drive during high tide on Tuesday afternoon.
The girl, identified as Preeti Shrikrishna Pise, was washed away yesterday when she was trying to touch the high rising splashes at the Marine Drive and slipped into the sea. The Wilson College student had gone to the promenade with her friends.
Preeti’s body was found after a gap of almost two hours. She was rushed to GT hospital, but declared on arrival by the doctors.
While initial reports suggested that she was clicking selfies with her friends during high tide, Mumbai police have denied those reports.
Meanwhile, police have warned everyone against visiting Marine Drive and other places near the sea in Mumbai during high tide. BMC has also issued a similar warning.
Hundreds of Mumbaikars could be seen flocking the Marina Drive yesterday, to witness the high tide, bringing in waves as high as 4.81 metres. The highest tide of the season, at 5.03 metres, however was recorded on Sunday.

High tide schedule issued by the civic body’s Disaster Management Department
This report has been covered in a shortened or ‘Snippet’ format to ensure the most important piece of information is relayed in the shortest possible time. If the story develops further or more relevant information becomes available, we will expand it into a full length article.