India’s brightest have no time for sex, reveals IIT survey

IIT Bombay
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. IIT-B’s student newspaper ‘Insight’ regularly conducts surveys of it’s senior batches and alumni to understand how they’ve progressed over the years.
2. For the first time this year, the Insight editorial board conducted a survey of the freshman batch in a bid to understand their background, beliefs, lifestyle, expectations etc.
3. According to survey results, released on Tuesday, 95 percent of the IIT-B freshers have never had sex, although 30 percent were in a relationship. 75 percent also admitted to being comfortable with the idea of homesexuality.
4. When questioned about the existence of God, 18 percent said they were atheist, 35 percent were agnostic and 47 percent believed in God.
5. The survey also revealed that most students were politically liberal. But, surprisingly, only 72 percent of the students said they would pursue a career in engineering.