Soon you can have sex without a condom and not get pregnant

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Women have multiple contraceptive methods to opt for, including various types of pills and IUDs. However, the only contraception options available to men are condoms and vasectomy. But the success of condoms in preventing pregnancy is unpredictable while a vasectomy is a rather permanent way of prevention. This is about to change as scientists have developed a new contraceptive for males called Vasalgel. It was developed by US-based non-profit company Parsemus Foundation.
Researchers at the foundation claim that injection of a single drop of Vasalgel will help males to have condom-free sex for up to a year.
A study on Vasalgel conducted at the University of Chicago, where in rabbits were injected with the gel, yielded positive results. Human testing of this contraceptive will begin later this year.
Although Vasalgel will be helpful in preventing unwanted pregnancy, it will not act as a safeguard against sexually transmitted diseases.