Google labels Kejriwal-BJP row over Modi’s degrees as ‘Entertainment’

Google news classified news reports on Kejriwal-BJP row as ‘Entertainment’
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. During the past few weeks, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has repeatedly asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to furnish his college degrees to prove his ‘educational qualification’. Many who have been closely following the Delhi CM’s claims, know that the request is nothing more than a political ploy of distracting the BJP government and showing the PM in poor light.
2. While Kejriwal was trying to bait the government into sharing the degrees, the BJP government maintained a dignified stance and refrained from indulging Kejriwal. Until Monday, when BJP president Amit Shah addressed a press conference where he released the PM’s graduation degree from Delhi University and masters’ from Gujarat University.
3. Minutes later, Kejriwal labeled the degrees as fake. In response, BJP supporters started trending #KejriwalSaySorry on Twitter and demanded an apology from the Delhi CM. The drama continued for the rest of the day with supporters from both sides trying to outdo each other.
4. During the time of this ongoing drama, Google’s news service – which aggregates reports from various news sources, marked news stories related to Kejriwal-BJP degree row under the ‘Entertainment’ category.
5. Although Google is known for its exceptional automation and machine learning capabilities, no one knew it could classify reports based on the topic’s actual merit. Either that, or maybe someone from Google actually read the reports, found them entertaining and labeled them accordingly.