Now fatwa issued against stealing neighbor’s WiFi in Dubai

The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department of Dubai
If you just type in ‘How to crack neighbour’s WiFi’ on Google search, it will show to around 3 lakh results. We are pretty sure that you must have tried cracking your neighbour’s wireless connection and use the internet for free.
However, those in Dubai can’t anymore. The state’s top religious authorities say that stealing WiFi from your neighbour would not be proper Islamic conduct.
The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department of Dubai has issued a fatwa, saying, “There is nothing wrong in using the line if your neighbours allow you to do so, but if they don’t allow you, you may not use it.”
Dubai’s Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department answers a variety of online questions.
They range from prayers and religious matters to modern issues like cosmetic surgeries and illegally downloading movies, and so on.