Would you like to be an Angel ? – Angel Xpress Foundation

Image: Neha Rajadhyaksha
Sonu, age 13, gets up earlier than most every morning like clockwork. His morning starts at 4am because he has to deliver the morning paper that we enjoy over our pipping hot adrak waali chai. After completing his long paper route, mostly barefoot, he heads to a nearby garden joined by a few more children. Why? Because that is his happy place.

Image: Neha Rajadhyaksha
In the garden amongst the beauty of mother nature sit about a hundred children divided by black boards, waiting for their angels to arrive. These angels don’t have wings but have a lot of love to give. They visit this garden everyday & give the children a very important gift, the gift of knowledge.
This is the Angel Xpress Foundation where individuals like you & me are nothing short of an angel for children whose parents cannot afford one wholesome meal in a day. They are deprived of nutritious food, of knowledge & most importantly, love.

Image: Neha Rajadhyaksha
The founder of this NGO, Anubha Sharma, says “Children from financially challenged backgrounds often lack the kind of attention & care given to children in educated homes. With high rises & slums coexisting through the city, Mumbai presents a perfect opportunity for a citizen inspired movement for social good. I realized Mumbaikars are inclined to giving back, so through Angel Xpress I have tried to create an opportunity for people to make a real difference by helping children discover their own true potential.”
At #AXF, children are not only taught basic English & Math but also provided with a variety of opportunities such as debates & competitions to express themselves. The foundation also gives them nutritious food such as Bananas, idlis, Threptin biscuits as & when they can to ensure children are not malnourished.

Image: Neha Rajadhyaksha
As of today, AXF has centers in Andheri, Bandra, Sewri, Juhu & Santacruz with a staggering attendance of over 700 students in total.
To know more/help call 9930070086 or check https://www.facebook.com/AngelXpressFoundation/