TV’s Parvati defends her bikini photo, slams trolls

Sonarika Bhadoria defends her bikini picture
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. Last week, actress Sonarika Bhadoria posted a picture of her in a bikini, but was driven to delete the photo from her Instagram after receiving a barrage of hateful comments.
2. The actress, who rose to fame for playing goddess Parvati in Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev, opened up to Hindustan Times about how devastated she was after she received sexist comments on her picture. She told the leading daily, “You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something bad happens? I can’t even put it in words but it was a very bad feeling. The entire day my phone was buzzing with my friends calling and supporting me. You can’t expect a woman to wear a saree or salwar kameez and go to a beach or swimming pool.”
3. She further added, “I thought today’s generation is mature enough to separate an actor’s personal life from their professional life and they would understand that we also have our own life. But that did not happen. Just because I am a girl and played a goddess you cannot hide behind your TV screens and write whatever you want to in the name of freedom of expression. They say it is part and parcel of a celebrity’s life but there is a limit to everything. I am not God, I have emotions and I do feel bad.”
4. Bhadoria also spoke about the hypocrisy in society wherein her male counterparts were praised for showing off their physique, but she was criticized for doing the same.
5. The 23-year-old also posted a message for all the ‘trolls’ on her Instagram earlier: