Colaba’s Cafe Mondegar, McDonalds to remain shut for 2 weeks

Cafe Mondegar
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. After a massive fire engulfed Colaba’s Metro House on Thursday evening, MHADA has sent a notice to the building’s owners seeking an inspection to determine if the building is structurally safe.
2. Around 4 pm on Thursday, a suspected short circuit in an AC unit on the first floor sparked the fire. Occupants were immediately evacuated and no serious casualties were reported due to the mishap. But, the fire raged on for almost 7 hours before 100’s of firefighters and 15 fire engines managed to douse it.
3. By the time the fire was completely doused, the fourth floor of the building including a few beams and columns were completely gutted. Since a considerable framework of the century old building was made of wood, only a thorough inspection of the premises will reveal if the building can be repaired on will need to be taken down due to structural instability.
4. Although the building is privately owned, the property falls under MHADA’s jurisdiction. It’s officials will now conduct an audit over the next two weeks to determine the further course of action.
5. Meanwhile, the guesthouses, showrooms and popular eateries like Cafe Mondegar & McDonalds located on the ground floor of the building will be shut for business.