Commuter loses Macbook Air in Mumbai local, railway employee travels to his house to return it

Railway employee Viresh Narsingh Kele. Picture: Amborish Roychoudhury
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. On Friday, a railway employee went out of his way to help a distressed commuter who had forgotten his bag in a Mumbai local.
2. Amborish Roychoudhury lost his bag, containing his Macbook Air, in Wadala on Friday morning while travelling in a Andheri-CST train. After realising that he had misplaced his bag, he immediately informed the railway police and posted about the incident on his Facebook wall, hoping for a stroke of luck to somehow return his prized possession back to him.
3. However, after the railway police informed Amborish that they had searched the local and found nothing, all hope was lost. Until, a man named Viresh Narsingh Kele knocked on his door, carrying his bag.
4. Viresh, who is a housekeeper with the railways, found Amborish’s bag at the car shed in Panvel. Despite knowing that it contained an expensive laptop, which most others in his position would have gladly sold to make a quick buck, Viresh tried to find out about the owner so he could return the bag. After failing to find any phone number, Viresh noticed a discarded envelope which mentioned Amborish’s home address.
5. The honest railway employee decided to pay the commuter a personal visit to return the bag. A grateful Amborish thanked Viresh profusely and offered to compensate him for his trouble. But, the railway employee refused to accept any money. In Amoborish’s own words, “Over the course of one night, my world was demolished and rebuilt. All over again”. He even took to Facebook to post about the faith-restoring incident and publicly thank Viresh for his selfless act.