FYJC 2018: Vacancy list for Round 2 out, seats left in Top 25 Mumbai colleges

The vacancy list for centralised round 2 was put up on the admission portal today
The office of the Deputy Director of Education (DyDE) uploaded the vacancy list for colleges in Mumbai Metropolitan Region for centralised round 2 of First Year Junior College (FYJC) admissions for the year 2018-19 on its online portal around 11 am on Thursday.
The vacancy list includes the number of seats available in colleges after the completion of round one. Students seeking admission in the next round can refer to the vacancy and cut-off lists before selecting their new list of preferred colleges.
UPDATE: 2nd merit list out, revised timetable announced
Meanwhile, around 40 percent of students who were allotted colleges in the first general merit list confirmed their admissions. The list was declared on July 5 and close to 1.2 lakh were allotted seats, of which around 50,600 confirmed admissions.
Since the department had made it mandatory for students – who were allotted seats in the college listed as their first preference – to confirm admissions, a majority of seats in the top ten colleges across Arts, Science, and Commerce streams have been taken up.
According to Deputy Secretary of the School Education Department, Suvarna Kharat, the near 70,000 remaining students are either hoping to secure a seat a better college in the second list or have sought/taken admission in another course.
Checking vacancy list online
Students can check the list of vacant seats across all Mumbai colleges by following the steps below:
# Visit the admission portal – mumbai.11thadmission.net
# In latest notifications, click on the ‘click here to download the vacancy for Centralised Round 2’ link
# The next page will display a Google Spreadsheet listing vacant seats across all colleges in Mumbai
# The list can also be directly accessed from here
Note: For convenience, students can save an offline copy and search for their respective colleges there.
Vacant seats in top 25 Mumbai colleges
Sr. No | College (No Particular Order) | Vacant seats in Arts | Vacant seats in Science | Vacant seats in Commerce |
1 | St. Xavier’s College | 8 | 48 | NA |
2 | Jai Hind College | 35 | 152 | 59 |
3 | KC College | 71 | 80 | 63 |
4 | Ruia College | 18 | 18 | NA |
5 | DG Ruparel College | 37 | 38 | 42 |
6 | NM College | NA | NA | 107 |
7 | HR College | NA | NA | 44 |
8 | R.A Podar College | NA | NA | 10 |
9 | Mithibai College | 27 | 185 | 65 |
10 | Sathaye College | 89 | 56 | 40 |
11 | BK Birla College | 6 | 20 | 28 |
12 | Patkar College | 37 | 20 | 17 |
13 | KJ Somaiya College | 46 | 83 | 34 |
14 | Bhavans College | 61 | 141 | 78 |
15 | MCC College | NA | NA | 16 |
16 | VG Vaze College | 12 | 14 | 15 |
17 | KPB Hinduja College | NA | NA | 419 |
18 | SIES College | 121 | 141 | 33 |
19 | KG Joshi College | 23 | NA | 23 |
20 | ML Dahanukar College | NA | NA | 13 |
21 | Thakur College | NA | 320 | 362 |
22 | St. Andrews | 39 | 59 | 51 |
23 | Wilson College | 51 | 298 | NA |
24 | GN Khalsa College | 86 | 346 | 76 |
25 | SK Somaiya College | 73 | 268 | 205 |
What’s next
The choice filling for the second centralised round has already began as of publishing this report.
Students who wish to apply for a seat in the next round can do so by visiting the admission portal, logging in to their account from ‘Student Login’ link and editing their list of preferred colleges for Round 2.
Important Dates:
July 12-13 (6 pm): Deadline for filling admission form for Round 2 (students can edit option form)
July 16 (11 am): Declaration of second general merit list
July 16-18 (5 pm): Confirming admission under Round 2
Note: Students who have cancelled their admission in the centralised round will be considered directly after the third round.