Mumbai not a smart city, nor is Delhi or Bengaluru

Image: photographyistheshit
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. According to a global livability survey of 181 cities across the globe, India’s financial capital Mumbai failed to qualify as a smart city.
2. According to the Hindustan Times report, the 2016 Cities in Motion Index (CIMI) found that Indian cities did not qualify on most parameters that define a smart livable study. The study, prepared by IESE Business School and the Centre for Globalisation and Strategy, included 33 new cities for the first time this year.
3. Mumbai ranked 167 on the list of 181 cities and did better than other Indian cities. The nation’s capital ranked 174, Bengaluru at 176 and Kolkata stood at 179. Pakistan’s only entry in the list, Karachi, finished last with a ranking of 181.
4. The surveyors assign rankings to cities based on parameters like economy, human capital, governance, technology, environment, international outreach, urban planning, public management, social cohesion, mobility and transportation. Although some Indian cities fared well on one or two parameters, the ‘smart’ city tag was only assigned to those who scored a minimum score across parameters.
5. According to the report, New York was the most livable smart city of 2016, followed by London, Paris, San Francisco and Boston.