Parents flooded with calls after printer circulates 100s of copies of their kid’s actual ID card as ‘sample’

Ajmera Global School
The parents of a school student from Borivali were inundated with calls after a printer replicated their daughter’s ID card and distributed hundreds of copies across the city.
In March, the admin department of Ajmera Global School in Borivali had contacted a printing firm, Durson Printer, for making their school’s ID cards. For reference, they had given him a copy of a Naina’s (name changed) actual ID card.
The firm printed the requisite copies for the school administration and completed the job. But the printer, who was impressed with the card’s layout, made 300 copies of Naina’s actual ID card and sent it to other schools to get more orders. Eventually the ID card, which contained Naina’s personal details like name, class, address, contact number etc, made its way to random individuals who thought she had misplaced the card.
Many of them, with the intention of helping out, ended up calling Naina’s parents and informing them about how they had found their daughter’s card. Although Naina’s father ignored the first few calls, the problem became severe when he continued to receive calls over the next 2 months, despite the fact Naina’s ID card was with her all the time. Finally he decided to approach the school, who referred him to Durson Printer.
When contacted, the printer admitted to making the copies and distributing it across various schools. Since it was a serious lapse in security on the part of the school, Naina’s father asked them what action was taken against the printer. While school authorities were apologetic about the incident and terminated the contract with the printer, they didn’t seem anxious on taking any action.
Owing the to inaction on the part of the school, Naina’s father served them a legal notice. When contacted, Naina’s father said, “The printer broke a law and he should be punished for it. What’s more, it is the school that should be taking the action since they sent an actual student’s card to the printer. But since that has not happened till now, we have served the school a legal notice.”
While the school authorities remained unavailable for comment, an official from MHB Police Station confirmed that no complaint against the printer has been filed till now.