Yoga helps 136 inmates shorten their jail term

Image: Hindustan Times
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Nagpur jail authorities made an announcement insync with the state government’s recent directive on pardoning a certain period of a jailed convict’s sentence.
According to the state government’s directive, three months of a jailed convict’s sentence will be pardoned if they practice yoga regularly and pass an exam.
Since January this year, Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Yoga Centre has been holding regular yoga training sessions for the inmates of Nagpur central jail. In addition to regular training sessions, the yoga centre, along with the jail authorities, will also be holding written and practical exams twice a year in May and October.
According to the jail superintendent Yogesh Desai, a total of 191 inmates – 167 males and 24 females – took the Yogasana exam that was conducted in May. Of the 191 inmates, 136 passed the exam.
Following which, the jail term of these 136 inmates has been reduced by 3 months by the authorities.
Officials believe that after seeing the scheme in action, many more will be lured by the reduced jail term and October’s Yogasana exam will witness an even higher participation.
According to a source, if the results of the Yogasana exams are encouraging, more and more inmates across other jails will also be open to adopting it.