Some of Mumbai’s best old bookstores

Image Courtesy: Livemint
When there is a sudden urge to while away time by being surrounded by shelves of books, one generally turns to the new-age, commercial bookstores with their freshly printed copies that can be found in every mall or market. However, there are a number of old bookstores in the city that have been in business for decades and can provide one with the therapeutic balm of visiting the strange lands of an author’s imagination at extremely reasonable prices.
One of these include Strand Book Stall located in Fort. This age-old institution, with a fascinating history and owner, sells books at a minimum of a 20% discount. Though they cannot house extravagant collections due to space constraints, they do have many valuable copies and they will order books for their customers if required.
The bookstore at Smokers Corner, Fort is another family-run business that hosts a good collection and is incredibly cheap. Book Zone and Bargain Book Hut, both situated in Fort are also great places to come across novels at a discount.
Flora Fountain has become a business ground for sellers, where one can see stacks of books winding their way along the pavements. These second hand books can be bought in bulk for very affordable prices, only one must summon their bargaining powers while making a purchase. Every novel of every author imaginable can be found among the piles which include coffee table books, reference books for students, magazines and more.
Some residents of Mumbai have formed lasting relationships with the owners of these old bookstores that take you back in time. The staff at these shops are personally engaged with the customers and the books they sell. Extremely knowledgeable about their products, they will recommend books for you depending upon your previous choices. The company of great authors and the charming setting of these quaint bookstores is the best way to spend a lazy afternoon.
Originally contributed by Ananya S.