In Picture: A Mumbai local train jugaad

Picture Courtesy: Harshad Chambawane
Travelling in Mumbai’s locals can be a daunting task when one considers the sheer volume of commuters it transports everyday.
To put things into perspective, consider this – Mumbai locals transport the entire population of Hong Kong every single day.
That’s roughly 7.5 million commuters travelling in a city roughly half it’s size.
No wonder, only a Mumbaikar can truly understand that despite the crowd, the lack of facilities and service, Mumbai’s local trains are indeed the city’s lifeline.
So, while we all understand the everyday problems one has to go through, we also have to admit that Mumbaikars have never shied away from doing a little ‘jugaad’ to make things a tad bit easier. A railway commuter, Harshad Chambawane, shared a perfect example of one such jugaad on his social media account recently.
The man in the picture simply tied a rope to the support handle and positioned himself between the rope, allowing him to rest, or even sleep, peacefully in the overcrowded train while others continue to struggle for a few inches of space to stand. Ingenious and practical!
Unfortunately, we know very little about the man in the picture and what prompted him to undertake such a practice.
P.S: If you spot something similar, don’t forget to share it with us.