Sir JJ Fort Boys High School
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. While most city school kids are vacationing with their families, parents of two South Bombay-based schools are preparing for a series of tests and interviews.
2. JJ Primary School at Princess Street and Sir JJ Fort Boys High School have scheduled interviews for all class IV students and their parents. Only those who clear the interviews will get re-admission in the school for the secondary term.
3. Every year, the schools issue leaving certificate to those who clear the fourth grade along with the passing certificate. Parents are then required to walk in for interviews along with their kids in order to secure a seat for the next year.
4. Since the schools are unaided and have limited capacity, the school authorities claim that they try to accommodate as many students as possible each year. They also claim that no outside student is given preference over in-house students.
5. Roxana Bhadha, secretary of the trust which runs Sir JJ Fort Boys High School, has also stated that the school primarily conducts tests and interviews to get the poor students at par with the rest before admitting them for the secondary term.