Western Railway lacks basic amenities

WR’s Bandra station plartform
A government committee charged with the responsibility of ensuring a comfortable commute for passengers had an uncomfortable experience while inspecting city’s suburban railway stations yesterday.
Members of the Passenger Amenities Committee had arrived in the city to inspect the state of Western Railway stations. On the first day of their three day visit, the committee members inspected 15 WR stations from Churchgate to Vile Parle.
The first day’s findings included:
* Uneven platforms across stations
* Sizable gap between footboard and platforms
* Non-functional ATVMs resulting in long queues
* Lack of cleanliness at platforms and FOBs
* Missing first aid boxes
* Narrow FOBs
Although the committee will prepare a list of recommendations in the end of their visit, the members have already highlighted two areas that warrant immediate attention;
* Installation of more CCTV cameras
* A speaker system allowing passengers to communicate with guard during emergencies