Women auto-drivers don’t want ‘orange’ rickshaws

Image: India Today
The state government’s decision to distinguish autorickshaws driven by woman by coloring them ‘salmon orange’ has reportedly not gone down well with them, who have deemed the move unnecessary, unfair and a security threat.
The state government had announced their decision to distinguish rickshaws driven by men and women drivers by color last week. It had also said that only women would be allowed to drive the ‘orange’ colored rickshaws.
However, women drivers have now opposed the move citing three reasons:
1. Hesitance
Women drivers feel that passengers would earlier sit in the rickshaw without knowing if it was driven by a male or female driver. However, now that the distinction is out in the open, men may feel hesitant to sit in their rickshaws. This may have a considerable impact on their earnings.
2. Safety
Women drivers feel that while the color may be an advantage in the day, when passengers can easily spot them from a distance, it will become a risk at night. Those drivers who do are on duty at night will have to be extra careful due to the easy distinction. The color increases their chances of being targeted by miscreants.
3. Renting
Many drivers who own a rickshaw often rent them out to others in a bid to continue making money. But, since the state government has explicitly asked woman drivers to ride the orange autorickshaws, they will not be in a position to rent them out to men, thereby losing out on potential revenue.
The auto-unions are likely approach the court next week if the government does not revoke the proposal.
Inputs from Indian Express