Flipkart hijacks MotoG4 launch on Amazon, users respond by trending #SoreLoserFlipkart

A copy of the Flipkart ad that was published on Wednesday
Local Press Co 5-point Snippet
1. The Indian e-commerce Industry will be worth an estimated USD 38 billion by the end of the year. Needless to say, everyone wants a piece of the action.
2. One of the pioneers of Indian e-commerce, Flipkart, was amongst the first ‘unicorn startups’ of the country after it crossed a USD 1 billion valuation. But, things haven’t stayed exactly the same for the e-commerce giant. Over the past few months, it has started facing stiff competition from both domestic and international players and got undervalued by USD 4 billion after Morgan Stanley marked down the value of its shares.
3. But, competition was inevitable and valuation change didn’t affect their day-to-day business. However, in the recent months, Amazon has been wooing online retail customers with their top notch service. So much so, that the internet is filled with customer service testimonials and more and more brands are switching to the consumer-friendly Amazon for their ‘exclusive’ launches.
4. In the past, Flipkart was the exclusive partner for Motorola, Lenovo and Xiaomi phones. But, in recent times, both Lenovo and Xiaomi switched to Amazon. Now, for the first time, the Lenovo-owned Motorola partnered with the Jeff Bezos-led Amazon for the launch of the followup model to the highly successful ‘G’ series – Moto G4. Amazon even took out a front page ad in a leading daily announcing the partnership and the launch on Tuesday.
5. But, Flipkart is seems played spoilsport after it took out a similar ad on Wednesday offering discounts on existing Motorola models. When users saw #motoOnFlipkart trend on Twitter, at the same time when Motorola launched the G4 on Amazon, it caused a little bit of confusion. But, netizens didn’t take Flipkart’s strategy of hijacking the Amazon exclusive launch and responded by trending #SoreLoserFlipkart.